About us
Our mission is simple: "Passionately love God, and genuinely love people."
Whether you are new to the area and searching for a church home, have no experience with church, or you are tired of "religion," or church "politics." From any one of these perspectives, you're probably asking yourself, "Why should I try this church?" Know that Vineland is different. At our church, you are not lost in the fray, or counted as just a number. Jesus established the church to be a community of believers, a family. We long to encourage each other in unity and to project His love to the world. As a family, our goal is to love you without conditions or expectations. We know it's never about what we do. It's about what Christ's wonderful love and His sacrifice have done. If you are searching for a church that will accept you where you are and challenge you to grow in your relationship with Christ, we encourage you to try Vineland.
Pastor Matthew and Jade Chester are a vibrant, energetic couple who truly love the Lord and all of His people. Matthew grew up near Cleveland, OH; and Jade is from Northern Indiana. They met at a church camp in 2000 and began dating in 2005. They both attended Ozark Bible College where Matthew graduated with a Bachelor in Biblical Literature and received a minor in Missions in 2009. Matthew and Jade then got engaged in 2009, and married in June 2010 at an outdoor wedding in Jade's hometown.
Matthew has a strong passion for preaching the gospel and seeing its truth transform lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew is also a gifted musician and often helps the band bring the church into an atmosphere of praise and worship. Jade teaches Kindergarten at a Christian school and loves every minute of it.
In their spare time, Matthew and Jade enjoy spending time with their three children, Makynzee, Maloryee, and Micah. They all five love riding roller coasters, and as big football fans, they love watching the Packers.

The introduction:
In 1924, at a meeting in a tent revival, the people felt the need of a Spirit Filled church in the Winter Garden area. An offering was taken to help purchase some land to build on. A lot was purchased on Agnes Street and plans were made to build. Protest arose over these plans to the extent that the land was sold. God was in this move, however, and the land was sold for three times what was paid for it.
In 1925, several folks still felt the continued need of a Spirit Filled church for the Winter Garden area. God moved and Mr. Sam J. Williams gave a lot on West Palmetto Street and a wooden frame church was completed in February, 1926. In the meantime, tent meetings and revivals were held until the structure was available for use. The first pastors were Rev. and Mrs. John Hause with a church membership of 17.
The little wooden church
The little wooden church
the story continues:
In 1947, the need for expansion was realized. Pastor J.E. Winstead led the members in construction of a new and larger building constructed of blocks. It was a two-story structure with Sunday school classes on the first story and the worship auditorium on the second story. This sanctuary was adequate for several years.
In 1963, however, on June 26, 1963, the Members again realized the need for a new and more modern structure. Themembers voted to construct a new building seating 300 on the adjoining property to the present two-story structure and use the present structure for Sunday School classes downstairs and a fellowship hall upstairs. The new structure was completed in February, 1965.
In 1969-70, the need for more Sunday school classrooms was realized and a new Sunday school educational wing with seven classrooms was constructed adjoining the main sanctuary, in addition to the classrooms in use in the downstairs portion of the old church structure.
In 1986, we saw the addition of the fellowship hall, along with the church office complex, as well as additional Sunday school classes. We continue to reap the benefits of God through all that He has brought us.
In 2011, the Sanctuary went under an extensive remodel. After painting, redesigning the stage, and many other changes, the church is ready for its new season.
Circa 1966
The next chapter:
At Vineland, we don't only look to where we've been, but to where we're going. Vineland is not about buildings, pressure, or any other thing. We're about people. In 2012, the church membership voted unanimously to elect Rev. Matthew Chester to serve as its next Lead Pastor. Under his leadership, the church fully embraces the mission that Christ gave to the church back when He walked the earth: To "Passionately love God, and genuinely love people." We want everyone to feel that they are loved, valued, and develop a sense of belonging.
It is our passion to be a church that exalts God, equips believers, and expands the kingdom. What's the most important thing at Vineland? It is Jesus. In fact, it's all because of Jesus that we do what we do. We're committed to our vision that we be a growing community of believers, fashioned with Holy Spirit power, transforming West Orange County with the power of Jesus Christ. The future of Vineland looks to be even brighter than the wonderful testimony of God’s past blessings. We are committed to looking ahead to even more effective ways to develop followers of Christ who love Him, grow in Him, and serve Him. If you are looking for a Spirit filled church in the Central Florida region, we invite you to try Vineland. We would love to have you at our services!
To read the Orange Observer newspaper article of our 90th anniversary celebration, click here.