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Our Ministries

Our Ministries have one purpose:
Exalt god.
equip believers.
expand the kingdom.

We believe the church is a place of life, renewal, and hope – restoring the world for God’s Glory.  At Vineland, we are an authentic, difference-making, Christ-centered community. Our ministries provide something for everyone. At any and every stage of life, there is a place to connect with one another, grow together in faith, serve each other in love, and to connect with Christ. Whether you’re new or have been attending our services for years, we challenge you to get involved and grow. We believe the pathway toward spiritual and personal growth is found by engaging in a consistent lifestyle of worship, taking advantage of learning opportunities, inviting others on our journey, and reaching out to those in need with encouragement, support, and giving. Together, we seek to exalt God, equip believers, and expand the kingdom. 

To view our calendar of events, click here.

small child playing in Vineland nursery


On Sunday mornings, our nursery staff is available to look after your baby while you enjoy the service. You can also choose to keep your child with you if you'd like. Know that there is a large viewing window into the nursery, so that you may check on your child as often as you wish.  Our nursery staff has cleared our screening process and has passed a nationwide background check.




Small Groups

Small Groups have one simple purpose: to connect with people and connect people with Jesus. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and be students of His Word. However, meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find, and we simply run out of time for daily Bible study . That’s why Small Groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships  accessible to you, and to dig into His Word. Small groups happen every Wednesday at 7 pm, and are held at the church campus. 


sunday school

Our Sunday school groups are part of our church’s strategy to “exalt God, equip believers, and expand the kingdom.  We believe that studying God’s Word together, each week, is essential for continued growth as a follower of Jesus. Our Sunday school groups offer Bible teaching for every age group with a variety of activities for toddlers and kids. Sunday school is held every Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Come early for coffee in the fellowship hall served at 9 am.

Vineland Family Game Night

family game night

Although many families attend church together, they often split off for choir practice, Bible study or other different aspects of church ministry. Family game night seeks to inspire family togetherness and fellowship by bringing each member of the family to the same ministry event. This is a great place to connect with other families of the church. We welcome families of all sizes and ages to come out and play some games in a fun, friendly and wholesome  environment. 

Vineland Family Dinner, Family Dinner Nights

family dinner

One of the best ways to connect with people is over a nice hot meal! Every Wednesday night, while small groups are in session, you can enjoy some Vineland hospitality from 6:00 pm – 7 pm in our spacious dining Hall.  The cost is only $3 for adults and just $2 per child, with children 2 and under free. This ministry seeks to be a blessing to busy families, saving them time by not having to prepare a meal at home. Our desire is to serve every person spiritually and physically.

child enjoying children's church at Vineland

Children's Church

Our Children's Ministry is a place where children have an amazing opportunity to learn just how cool God is and how much He loves them! Our loving and passionate teachers create a fun, safe, and Biblically-based learning environment. Children can freely use their imaginations, gifts, and creativity to discover, explore and express their faith in God. Our Children's Ministry is available for kids from three years through 6th grade. They meet each Sunday at 10:30 am, and Wednesday at 7 pm. 

women at Vineland ladies ministry meeting

Ladies Ministry

The mission of our Ladies Ministry is to connect, challenge, comfort, guide and support women. We combine Ladies social needs with the call to discipleship. We do this by hosting monthly meet ups, tea parties, special events, & more. Our Ladies Ministry seeks to deepen both relationships with God and one another. Through Christ, the Ladies Ministry encourages growth through study, accountability, and prayer support. Our monthly meet ups are for Ladies of all ages and stages of life.

Prayer to the Lord

the prayer huddle

One of the most important aspects of the church is prayer. At Prayer Huddle, we join together and pray for each other, share needs, encourage one another, and pray for our community and nation. Someone said no one goes to a football game to watch the teams huddle, it is the outcome of the huddle that people pay to see. Join us as we huddle together in prayer, that the world would see the outcome of our huddle. The Prayer Huddle is held once a month in our fellowship hall.

Vineland Family Movie Night

family movie night

Family Movie Night is a fun and interactive ministry that the whole family can enjoy. At FMN, we serve a meal prior to showing a faith inspiring movie that is safe for the little ears. Family Movie Nights provide a great opportunity to invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to a family-friendly event, as we explore how to use movies as a conversation starter about our spiritual lives. It'll be a great time to connect with other families of the church as well. Family Movie Night is held in our fellowship hall.

Coffee & Conversation at Vineland on Wednesdays

coffee & convo

 At C&C, we gather in our dining hall for hot coffee, conversation, and Bible study on Wednesday nights. Our C&C Bible Study allows you to dig deeper into the word of God in a community setting. C&C provides an in-depth study of the Bible and is geared towards helping participants gain a better understanding of God’s Word and grow in Christian character.  It also provides an opportunity for members to connect and learn with each other while continuing to grow their personal relationship with God.

child enjoying ice cream during Vineland student ministry

Student Ministry 

Our student ministry engages students by helping them grow and understand their faith, Bible, and spiritual identity in Jesus Christ. We exist for young people to come together with others who want real life answers to life's tough questions. We strive to help students grow as individuals through discipleship, and provide an opportunity for every student to serve God. Our Student ministry meets every Wednesday at 7 pm and serves students from 6th-12th grade. 


man praying during our church service

Men's ministry

Men’s Ministry exists to connect, equip,  encourage, energize, and evangelize each other and our community. Men's Ministry is a place where men can genuinely come together and be authentic, transparent, and safe. Men have an opportunity to grow in their relationship with God through other men, as they gather together in fellowship, spurring one another on toward love. Men's Ministry seeks to address real life issues, by introducing Men to a real and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Vineland's Visitation Ministry praying with elderly


Our dedicated visitation ministry team seeks to love those who are home, hospital, or nursing home bound through a visit while offering care and compassion. Our visitation team brings comfort and encouragement through visiting with those who are in a season of greater dependency upon others.

We seek to be available for spiritual and emotional support; and to provide spiritual and pastoral care to Vineland members, as well as members of our community in times of illness, hospitalization and other crises.

Vineland Family Night Out / Outings

family night out

Family Night Out is a ministry designed for families and friends to live out their faith in Jesus and experience life outside the church walls. We were created to do life together and build meaningful relationships. One way we accomplish this, is through special events: like group bowling, mini golf, Christian concerts, dinners, and much more. All FNO events are designed with families in mind. To find out when our next Family Night Out event will be, click here.  


Outreach in Winter Garden, FL

outreach ministry

Our congregation is not only about prayer meetings or Sunday services. Our members take the lessons learned from our services and they try to apply them to reach and help our community. You will find our members and congregation working to make the community a better place to live through our various outreach campaigns. Throughout the year, our church hosts a variety of outreach events such as giving away school backpacks, offering free health screenings, egg hunts and more.  

Small L&M
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